PRISM SMS Web Site Training & Resources

These tutorials, presentations and handouts will help managers and employees navigate and learn how to use the PRISM SMS website on both desktop and mobile devices.

Scroll down this page to find helpful videos, documents and links divided into these sections:

Section One:     Quick Start for All Users
Section Two:     Reporting Program Tool (RPT)
Section Three:  Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT)
Section Four:     Ground Risk Assessment Tool (GRAT)
Section Five:      Safety Locker and Read & Sign
Section Six:        Risk Matrix Tool (RMT)
Section Seven:   Risk Assessment Tool (RAT)
Section Eight:    Company Risk Profile (CRP)
Section Nine:     Internal Evaluation Program (IEP)
Section Ten:       Training Qualifications Tracker (TQT)
Section Eleven:   Safety Materials & Training (SM&T)
Section Twelve:    Safety Intelligence (SI) Analytics
Section Thirteen:  Using PRISM SMS on any Mobile Device
Section Fourteen:  Offline Mode – for FRAT, GRAT and RPT Only

Section One: Quick Start for All Users

(1.1) How to log in to PRISM SMS for all Users -5 minutes
This video assumes you have received an email with a subject line that starts with "Welcome to PRISM SMS... " and it has a link for you to set up your password. Your new username is also contained in that email. A brief introduction to the menus and navigation is provided.
(1.2) How to set up a PRISM SMS Home Screen icon on your iOS device (iPad-iPhone) - 3 minutes
If you want to use PRISM SMS Tools on your iOS mobile device (iPad/iPhone) in full screen mode like a native app, this is a 3-minute video to show you how to set it up.
There is a separate video for how to make a Home Screen icon for an Android Device.
(1.3) How to set up a PRISM SMS home screen icon for your Android Tablet or Smartphone - 2 minutes
If you want to use PRISM SMS Tools on your Android mobile device (tablet or phone) in full screen mode like a native app, this is a 3-minute video to show you how to set it up.
There is a separate video for how to make a Home Screen icon for an iOS Device.
(1.4a) How to Submit a Hazard or Incident report in PRISM SMS -for all users - 6 minutes
This video assumes that you already know how to log into PRISM SMS and you just want to submit a hazard or incident report. Your organization may call these "Safety reports".
(1.4b) How to Respond to a Workflow Step Assignment in PRISM SMS -for all users - 11 minutes
This video is intended for all users in an account and it starts with an assignment email with a subject line that reads "You have been assigned to complete a step in the workflow of a Report". You may also receive an assignment to complete a step of the workflow in a Finding in an IEP checklist or in a Risk Assessment (RA) in the Risk Assessment Tool. The same workflow gets used in all three of those tools.

By reading the email carefully you will see that you can get to the place where you need to respond to the assignment by either clicking on the link in the email or by simply logging into Prism SMS and selecting the assignment from your "My Assignments" tile on the home landing page (My Safety Center).

Please watch this video to understand exactly what you need t do once you click on that assignment link.
(1.5a) Adding / Editing Users in the Account Manager - for Account Admins Only - 16 minutes
This video is intended for Users who have the "Account Admins" permission Group.
Learn how to add or edit users and see what permissions and selectable notifications each Group or individual User has.
Additionally, the Account Manager is where Aircraft Tail Numbers are added/edited for use in the FRAT, GRAT and RPT
Please see the next video (1.5b) for additional information on Notifications.
(1.5b) Email Notifications - what are they and which ones can be selected on or off - 12 minutes
This video is intended to augments the the previous video (1.5a) to give Account Admins more information on:
1. How many different email notifications are there in Prism SMS (there are 72 total across all of the tools)
2. Which of those notifications are selectable/de-selectable in the Account Manager (19 are selectable/de-selectable)

The next training module after this one (1.6) is the list of all notifications that is referred to in this video.
(1.5c) List of all Prism SMS System Email Notifications
The PRISM SMS System sends many different email notifications appropriate to each tool and situation. This spreadsheet lists all notifications organized by Tool (FRAT, GRAT, Safety Locker, etc). Some notifications in FRAT, GRAT, Safety Locker and TQT are de-selectable in the Account Manager (see previous video 1.5) and are also identified in Column D of this spreadsheet.
(1.6) How to locate records in each tool with or without Advanced Search - 10 minutes
All Prism SMS Tools have one or more landing pages that can contain records. These landing pages are always one of two types:
(1) A landing page WITH Advanced Search. This page will only show 20 records when you land and there will not be pagination at the bottom to see more records. You HAVE TO use the Advanced Search function if you want to see more than 20 records. This is done because these pages could potentially have thousands of reports and we do not want to slow down system performance by loading thousands of reports every time you select the page (for example Completed FRAT Reports - All Reports)
(2) A landing page WITHOUT Advanced Search. This page will show you the first 20 records with pagination at the bottom to see more records. These pages are unlikely to have thousands of reports and can therefore load everything every time you select the page.
(1.7) How to use Google Translate in Chrome to automatically translate Prism SMS to a language of your choice - 5 minutes
This video shows users how to have Google Translate automatically translate the Prism SMS website and other websites to a language of their choice. This only works on Google Chrome browser.

Note that is specific to the Google Chrome browser on each device for each user. So if a user has two devices, they will need to go through this process on both devices.

There are basically two steps to the process. First you have to add the Google Translate extension to your Google Chrome Browser and then you manipulate some settings to determine which language you want the Prism SMS website to automatically tanslate to.

Section Two: Reporting Program Tool

(2.1) How to set up Templates (Forms) in RPT - for users in the Safety Managers permission Group - 21 minutes
This video demonstrates to Safety Managers how to set up and edit Templates (Fillable Forms) in the RPT. Templates can be edited by an user who has the Safety Manger Group set of permissions and they can edit any template anytime with just a few clicks of a mouse. Once a Template gets placed in Final status it can be used to submit a report on it. You can make as many different types of templates as you want and there are already several samples of various types for you to start from.

There is a separate video in Section One: Quick Start for All Users (above) for how to simply submit a hazard or incident report.

There is a separate video next in this section for how to handle a report that has been submitted using one of these templates.
(2.2) UPDATED 5/24 - How to conduct the Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) process on a submitted hazard or incident report in the RPT - 32 minutes
This video is for users who have the Group permissions for Safety Managers and / or Senior Managers. It starts with an email announcement that says a Safety report has been submitted. Sam the Safety Manager then proceeds to walk through assignment of the workflow manager (himself) and then walks through each of the 11 steps of the Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) workflow demonstrating the three methods of responding to each step. The SRA Workflow is modular in design and is the same workflow that is used for Risk Assessments in the Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) and for Findings in a checklist in the Internal Evaluation Program (IEP)
This video was updated in May 2024 to reflect the changes (simplification) of the Save process within each step.
(2.3) How to Publish a Redacted copy of a Hazard or Incident Report in the RPT - 10 minutes
This video is for users who have the Group permissions for Safety Managers and / or Senior Managers. Since only Safety Managers and Senior Managers can see "Raw reports" that are submitted by employees into the Reporting Program Tool (RPT), it is important that Safety Managers and / or Senior Managers utilize the PRISM SMS redacted copy Publish process to ensure that employees receive important information about these reports. Basically the Raw report is copied, sensitive information (if any) is removed from the copy, the desired recipients are selected by name or by Group, and the copy is then pushed via email. Published versions are also available on the RPT Landing page and the history of who it was published to is also available.
(2.4) Anonymity of Safety Reports if Using a Common Login - 7 minutes
This video is specifically for organizations that want to use at least one set of common login credentials for people to submit Safety Reports such as hazard or incident reports. By "common login" we mean multiple users using the same set of login credentials.
There are good reasons why organizations may want to use a common login, for example so that it can be posted on the wall in the breakroom for people who would normally never otherwise have a reason to log into the system on a regular basis.
Using a common set of login credentials, however, will have an impact on the anonymity of reports since any user who logs in with those credentials would normally be ale to see the My Reports tab, which lists read only copies of any reports submitted by that user.
This video offers two options for how to handle this situation and maintain the anonymity of reports submitted under a common set of login credentials.

Section Three: Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT)

(3.1) How to Submit a FRAT Report - for Pilots, Chief Pilots, Other Flight Crew, Dispatchers, etc - 22 minutes
This video assumes you already know how to log into PRISM SMS and you want to start or submit a FRAT for a particular flight. It covers the different sections of the FRAT Report as well as how elevated approval signatures work.

Note there is a different video for how to modify the FRAT Forms, or what we call "Templates". That video is intended for users in your organization who have the Safety Managers or Chief Pilots permission Groups.
(3.2) How to Use the FRAT Comments and Alerts Feature - 11 Minutes
The FRAT Comments and Alerts Feature is a way for FRAT users in your organization to leave comments and alerts for other FRAT users in the organization regarding locations that they fly in and out of. It is based on these three fields in the FRAT Report: Origin, Destination and Mission Area. Think of it as a way to inform other crews of things that they would not typically see on a NOTAM.
(3.3) How to set up Templates (Forms) in FRAT - for users in the Safety Managers and Chief Pilots permission Group(s) - 23 minutes
This video demonstrates how to set up and edit Templates (Fillable Forms) in the Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT). Templates can be edited by an user who has the Safety Managers or Chief Pilots permission Group(s) and they can edit any template anytime with just a few clicks of a mouse. Once a Template gets placed in Final status it can be used to submit a report on it. You can make as many different Final status templates as you want and there are already several samples to start from.

There is a separate video above in this section [Section Three: Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT)] for how to simply submit a FRAT report.

Section Four: Ground Risk Assessment Tool

(4.1) How to Submit a Ground Risk Assessment - for Technicians, Ground Support, Other Staff, etc - 14 minutes
This video assumes you already know how to log into PRISM SMS and you want to start or submit a GRAT report for your particular ground work that day. Ground work could be aircraft maintenance, operating a fuel truck or moving aircraft around on the ground

The video covers the different sections of the GRAT Report as well as how elevated approval signatures work.

Note there is a different video for how to modify the GRAT Forms, or what we call "Templates". That video is intended for users in your organization who have the Safety Managers or Senior Managers Groups.
(4.2) How to set up Templates (Forms) in GRAT - for users in the Safety Managers and Senior Managers permission Group(s) - 22 minutes
This video demonstrates how to set up and edit Templates (Fillable Forms) in the Ground Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT). Templates can be edited by an user who has the Safety Managers or Senior Managers permission Group(s) and they can edit any template anytime with just a few clicks of a mouse. Once a Template gets placed in Final status it can be used to submit a report on it. You can make as many different Final status templates as you want and there are already several samples to start from.

There is a separate video above in this section [Section Four: Ground Risk Assessment Tool (GRAT)] for how to simply submit a GRAT report.

Section Five: Safety Locker and Read & Sign

(5.1) Safety Locker General Introduction for all Groups of Users - 18 minutes
This video is intended for all Groups of users in the account. It will cover both Admin Level and Primary (basic) level features.

The Safety Locker is a document repository where users can store and access files. Files are kept in "Folders". Folders are kept in "Drawers". Drawers are kept in "Cabinets".

Users who belong to Groups that have the "Safety Locker - Admin" permission can (1) create Cabinets, Drawers and Folders; (2) Lock Folders, (3) Designate Folders as Read and Sign, and (4) assign "Access Control" to a Folder. Users who are assigned to these four Groups have "Safety Locker - Admin" permission in the Safety Locker: Safety Managers, Senior Managers, Senior Executives and Managers.

Users who belong to the remaining seven Groups that have the basic "Safety Locker -Primary" permission can (1) Access files to read and download in any folder that is not restricted for their access; (2) Execute their Read & Sign on files in designated Read & Sign Folders that are not restricted for their access, and (3) Upload and Delete files in any Folder that is not Locked. Users who are assigned to these seven Groups have "Safety Locker - Primary" permission in the Safety Locker: Other Staff, Ground Support, Technicians, Dispatchers, Pilots, Chief Pilots and Other Flight Crew.

Other videos in this section will cover Read and Sign and Access control more thoroughly.
(5.2) How to Locate & Sign "Read & Sign" Files - 11 Minutes
This video is intended for all Groups of Users. It will guide you through how to locate your own Read & Sign assignments and execute the assignment(s).

The Safety Locker is a document repository where users can store and access files. Files are kept in "Folders". Folders are kept in "Drawers". Drawers are kept in "Cabinets". Users who belong to Groups that have the Admin privilege in Safety Locker can designate Folders for Read & Sign, which means all users who have access to that folder can document that they have read the files in that folder. That documentation is traceable.

There is a separate video for Safety Locker Admin users that shows them how to set up a folder for Read &Sign.
(5.3) How to Set up a Folder for "Read & Sign" in the Safety Locker - 7 Minutes
This video is intended for Safety Locker Admin level users (Safety Managers, Senior Managers, Managers and/or Senior Executives). It is recommended that you first view the previous video titled "(5.1) How to Locate & Sign "Read & Sign" Files - 11 Minutes"

This video will show you how to designate a Folder in the Safety Locker as a "Read & Sign" folder. All files within that folder will then require each user in your account to execute the Read & Sign process on each file - unless you further refine the folder through "Access Control" or you specifically "Unassign users individually from specific file(s)".
(5.4) How to use Access Control in the Safety Locker - 9 minutes
This video is intended for Safety Locker Admin level users (Safety Managers, Senior Managers, Managers and/or Senior Executives). It is recommended that you first view the previous videos titled "(5.1) How to Locate & Sign "Read & Sign" Files - 11 Minutes"

This video will show you how to restrict access to a Folder in the Safety Locker. By default, all users have access to all Folders that do not have Access Control applied to them. There are two reasons why you might want to use Access Control on a Folder:
Reason #1: You want to restrict who can see the Folder and its contents - perhaps due to sensitivity of its content or simply because the content of the folder would never apply to some users in your account
Reason #2: The Folder is designated as "Read & Sign" but you only have certain Groups or Users that you want to execute Read & Sign on the files in that Folder.

Section Six: Risk Matrix Tool (RMT)

(6.1) How to Set up a Default Risk Matrix for your account - for Safety Managers - 5 minutes
Part of the core process of SMS, Safety Risk Assessment (SRA), requires severity and probability analysis, which is accomplished by using a Severity / Probability Matrix. The Risk Matrix Tool (RMT) allows the Safety Managers permission Group user(s) in your account to set up the default risk matrix that you will use when performing the SRA Workflow in the RPT, RAT and IEP. This short video demonstrates how to clone the Prism Master Risk Matrix template and then edit it to your organization's specifications. Once it is Saved as a "Final" status it can then be designated as the "Default" risk matrix for your account.

There are separate training videos for how to walk through the 11 Step Safety Risk Assessment workflow.

Section Seven: Risk Assessment Tool (RAT)

(7.1) How and When to use the Risk Assessment Tool - 15 minutes
The Risk Assessment Tool is accessible in the Tools menu on the left side menu for the Safety Managers and Senior Managers Groups.

There are several reasons why you would use the RAT:
(1) You want to perform the Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) process on hazards that have multiple negative consequences. You can perform the SRA workflow individually on each Negative outcome from the same hazard.
(2) You want add "standing" risks to your Company Risk Profile. The RAT is the only method to populate a Risk Profile in the Company Risk Profile Tool
(3) You discover hazards as a result of the Management of Change, System Analysis or Other sources - and you want to perform the SRA process on them
(4) While executing the Admin Section of a report in the RPT, or when responding to a Finding on a question in an IEP checklist, you can "push" that to the RAT if either (1) or (2) from this list applies.

Section Eight: Company Risk Profile

(8.1) How to Build and Maintain a Company Risk Profile (CRP) - 21 Minutes
A Company Risk Profile (CRP) is a document that is designed to answer two questions (1) What is our standing risk exposure and (2) What are we doing about it?
The Safety Managers Group is the only Group with access to this tool.

There is only one method to populate a Profile in the CRP and that is through Risk Assessments in the RAT. In other words the CRP Tool gives you the shell where you designate Risk Areas and their Sub Areas, but the actual content that gets entered under each Risk Sub-Area can only come from Risk Assessments in the Risk Assessment Tool (RAT).

It is important to note that when you build a Profile in the CRP, you can not only bring over RAs from the RAT but you can also add or edit the Risk Areas and Risk Subareas of the template at the same time that you are populating them. Therefore there is no Manage Templates section in the CRP.

Section Nine: Internal Evaluation Program (IEP)

(9.1) How to fill out answers to an IEP Checklist that has been assigned to you - 13 minutes
Filling out/responding to a checklist is something that almost all Groups of users can do in Prism SMS (Pilots, Technicians, Other Flight Crew, Ground Support, Other Staff, Chief Pilots, Dispatchers, etc.). This video starts when a user has been assigned a checklist and they have received an email with that assignment. The video walks the viewer through how to access the checklist, and see the due date for them to submit the checklist. It shows how to view the details of the Scoring scale and what each of the icons mean in the Legend. Then the user is guided through how to respond to each question including how to record a comment or a Finding if warranted. Finally the user is shown the various Save options while they complete the work and what it means when they ultimately Save and Submit the checklist.
(9.2) How to manage templates in the Internal Evaluation Program (IEP) - 17 Minutes
Users who have the Safety Managers Group or the Senior Managers Group of permissions can receive, edit, and place a copy in service of IEP templates. There are two ways to get a template; use one that is sent to your account from Prism or clone and edit the "blank template" to build your own.

1. Templates can be received from Prism in the first category of the Manage Templates section. That category is the only fixed category and it is labeled "Templates sent from Prism". Templates within that category will have a status of "Prism Original". You will automatically receive each month the next one of the Prism 24 best practices templates. If you would like any of these other templates, please use the Contact Us link at the top of the page to request them: IS-BAO, ARGUS, APSAC, FAA SMSVP, US Forest Service Exhibit 31/Attachment 24. If you are looking for another one not listed here, please ask us since we may have something that would work or that you could start from.

2. You can clone any template, which will make a draft copy that you can fully edit on.

Section Ten: Training Qualifications Tracker (TQT)

(10.1) How to respond to a Training Event that has been assigned to you in the Training Qual Tracker (TQT) - 10 minutes
This video is intended for users who have received an email labeled "A Training Event has been assigned to you". It shows you how to locate the training and how to submit the training when you have completed it. It also shows you how to see the status of all training assigned to you.

The Training Qual Tracker is a tool that allows an organization to create its own Training Events, assign those events to employees, and track their completion of the event. The Training Events themselves are constructed by Admin level users in your organization who are assigned to at least one of these Groups: Safety Managers, Senior Managers, Managers and/or Senior Executives. Instructions for how to construct a Training Event are in a different video in this section

(10.2) How to create and manage a Training Event in the in the Training Qual Tracker (TQT)
Training Events are constructed by Admin level users in your organization who are assigned to at least one of these Groups: Safety Managers, Senior Managers, Managers and/or Senior Executives.

A Training Event has two parts: the details of the training event itself and the "Enroll Employees" section. This video walks you through both parts, showing you how to create or edit a Training event, how to assign it to members of your organization and how to approve their submissions.

Section Eleven: Safety Materials & Training (SM&T)

Placeholder for how to access and use Safety Materials & Training (SM&T) web pages

Section Twelve: Safety Intelligence (Analytics)

Safety Intelligence (SI) Analytics
Please contact the PRISM Support team at for information regarding Safety Intelligence including Safety Performance Indicators.

Section Thirteen: Using PRISM SMS on any Mobile Device

(13.1) How PRISM SMS works on any size device
The Prism SMS Software Tools are built on a code base that can respond to the type and size of device you are using.  
If your device and the orientation of it (landscape or portrait) are above Viewport 700 (tablet-size), you will be able to see and use all the same tools that you would on a desktop browser.
If your device and its orientation are below View port 700 (smart-phone size), you will be limited in what you can access. Generally speaking, Admin functions require the user to be on a device above Viewport 700 and only Submit-type functions can be accomplished below viewport 700.

Section Fourteen: Offline Mode - for FRAT, GRAT and RPT Only

(14.1) How to Use Offline Mode
The PRISM SMS app has an available offline mode for submitting reports in FRAT, GRAT and RPT. So if you are somewhere without a connection to the internet, you can still submit reports in any of those three tools so long as you meet the conditions described below. Note this is a Submit-only feature, admin functions are not available in offline mode.

In order to use offline mode, the following three conditions must be met:
1. You were the last user of the Prism SMS app on that particular device when it was connected to the internet
2. During your last online session you were logged in for long enough that the app cached your information - normally selecting save or submit on something or being logged in for a minimum of about two minutes will suffice.
3. When you were done with the last login session you simply swiped out of the app. If you log off the app instead of swiping out of it, the app will clear your cache - which is why when you select "log off" there is an overlay message advising you to not log off if you need offline access.